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Looking for a New Life - a better life? 

   That's what Jesus offers!

   Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10).  Obviously, the people he was talking to were living and breathing. But Jesus said there was more. Something beyond just surviving. And he said that he can give that to us.


   One of Jesus' early spokesmen, the apostle Paul, wrote that it is in Jesus that we find "every spiritual blessing" (Ephesians 1:3). He then went on to list those good things that Jesus offers - things like being loved, being adopted into God's family, and being forgiven. Things that we all long for.


   Those are blessings that Jesus died to provide for you. He wants you in his family. He wants you to be guilt free and destined for heaven. He wants you to feel unconditionally loved and to be surrounded by a community of people learning to love each other that way. He wants to give you meaning and purpose for your life. He wants to give you new life! 


    We don't get those gifts because we deserve them. In fact, the opposite is true. If you read the Scriptures to the right, you'll read that we are all sinners. We are all imperfect and fail to live up to God's standards. Nobody is good enough. And what we deserve is death.


   But what God gives through Jesus is life! New life! Eternal life! That's the gift of God! How do you get that gift? How do you unwrap it and enjoy it? First, you have to believe that Jesus is who he says he is and that he can deliver on that gift to you. If you will entrust your life to him, you are then born again of water and spirit (John 3:3,5).   


   Baptism is the deep, meaningful way that we die to our old life, are buried in water with Christ, and are raised to a new life - the new life we've been looking for (see Romans 6:1-4). It is in baptism that our sins are washed away (Acts 22:16) and we are added to the family of God (Galatians 3:26-27). 


   Williams Road Church is a family of believers who have been given new life. We would love for you to experience that with us. Feel free to contact us to learn more about what God can do for you. 

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Williams Road Church, 110 Williams Road, Americus, GA 31709  |  |  Tel: 229-924-2943

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